Have you ever noticed that on the US currency, on the front of coins and the back of bills, there is the statement “In God We Trust?”
Our currency is a reminder of how we, as Christians, should approach our finances. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10.
As Christians, we hope and strive to align our finances with God’s Word. But, unfortunately, we can fall short of meeting His will if we are not intentional with our money.
How we spend our money is an indicator of where our heart is. And too often, we choose to serve ourselves first. We are not honoring God and we feel ashamed when our church asks for an offering, and we have nothing to give.
But the truth is that we choose our actions, and we can direct our spending in the right direction with just a little bit of intention and mindset work. And the first step is recognition that our control of money can and will improve. God made everything and hence is the possessor of all worldly things. We are the caretakers and also called stewards of managing God’s resources on this earth. We do not own the money we have; we manage it on behalf of God and out of our love for him. Understanding how to manage our money in God-honoring ways is a manifestation of our faith, and we can always take steps in that direction.
As humans, we are prone to selfishness. It is human nature to use our money for our wants first instead of making a plan to make better choices that honor our values. We run into trouble and take on debt. We overuse credit cards, take out large student loans, buy a shiny new car, take a vacation on credit, and make-believe we are happy. But reality hits us when we get the bills in the mail.
Making a plan for your money is most likely not something you would look forward to. But, the saying is that if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Consider the stress and long-term consequences of not having a plan for your money. Then compare the peace and contentment when you have a plan for your life. There are many tools available to make a plan. It’s a matter of what tool you want to use. There are phone apps, spreadsheets, online programs, and even simple paper and pencil can be used to plan your spending.
We lose focus on what’s important when money controls us instead of us controlling money. Even the Bible says “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6 – 7 NIV
What is guiding your money decisions? What are they based on? Where did your beliefs around money come from?
You may still be operating on the basis of the things you picked up when you were younger, watching your parents manage their money. Much of what you learned was probably through observing their behavior when it came to money struggles. And if that’s true, and you’re struggling with your finances, don’t be hard on yourself. Give yourself some grace and determination to change – to improve one step at a time.
This is the time to ask yourself:
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
This quote inspires me to be more humble and to consider others as more important than me. Because isn’t this where God wants us to be more giving and to serve others with the resources He has given us? Our mindset is what ultimately guides our actions. In Romans 12:2 NIV is a verse that is dedicated to our mindset. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Fun fact: If you have $10 in your pocket and no debt, you are wealthier than 25% of Americans.
If your finances aren’t where you want them to be, give yourself some grace! Shift your mindset about wealth by honoring God with your money decisions.
But how do you get there?
Any change is a process and not a one-time event. Once you have enough money, there are three things you can do:
Start by assessing your situation. You can do this by listing your expenses and your monthly income from all sources. Then, subtract your spending (expenses) from your income to know what money you have left.
If it’s negative, you need a spending plan to bring your spending under control.
If it is 0, you need a spending plan to know how to improve and reach a future goal.
If it is positive, then you need a spending plan to show your future goals to invest in or save for.
The goal is to spend less than you make so you have the flexibility and more money left over for giving and saving.
In Proverbs 21:20, Good News Translation clearly states, “Wise people live in wealth and luxury, but stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it.”
And in some capacity, we’re all guilty of doing silly things with our money. I am no exception. If a serious life event hadn’t reshaped my money mindset and compelled me to change how I manage my finances, I wouldn’t have been where I am today.
Now, I put God first in all my financial decisions. And I encourage you to do the same and decide to better manage your money as a manifestation of your love for God. Whether it’s a life event or just a change of heart, you may need help to know how to put your faith in God (and yourself) when it comes to money. And if you don’t know how to get started on your path, you can meet with an Accountable-Certified Financial Accountability Coach™ through our FREE Coach Match Process.
This is a simple, no-obligations call where we’ll get to know you and your situation a little bit better. How does it help? It’ll give you a chance to evaluate your current financial scenario, how your finances align with your faith and know whether coaching is right for you. Moreover, if you do decide to move forward with coaching in the future, this call will help us match you with a coach who is perfect for you and your specific financial ambitions and challenges!
We’ll find the perfect Financial Coach to analyze your situation and create a plan that’s easy to execute and will have you hitting your goals in no time. Book a call here →
Learning how to put your faith in God when it comes to money can be a daunting experience, especially when you’re not sure how to begin. Here are some of the most common questions people have about spending their money while serving His will:
In our materialistic world, it can be challenging to maintain a God-honoring mindset for money. One of the best ways to get started is to be proactive with your money by using a spending plan. So each month, you plan ahead for how your money will be spent. And, if it aligns with your values, you prioritize Tithing (offering 1/10th of your income to the church and the glory of God) and add other giving to the list. Giving to your church and other planned giving will help you honor God to the best of your ability. And God’s guidance will help you on your path!
Getting on a spending plan is a must for controlling your money. With a plan, you can proactively determine where to spend your money. You must first take care of your family. This is called the four walls: food, shelter, utilities, and transportation. Then you divide the money left after the four walls to pay debts. This is also something you can do if you live on a fixed income and find it difficult to give.
The key action is to create a spending plan or a budget. This is a proactive tool that will help you tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. At the top of this plan is a place to give your tithe to the church!
“Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1 Timothy 5:8.
You must first take care of yourself and your family. This is called the four walls: food, shelter, utilities, and transportation. Then, you divide the money left after the four walls to pay debts.
Jenny Reichley is an inspiring and caring finance coach who has been helping people transform their lives since 2019. She offers personal finance coaching and Financial Wellness workshops for churches and businesses.
Jenny holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Information Technology. She led financial literacy classes for 10+ years. She earned the Financial Coach Master Certification and the Coach Connections™ Financial Coach training in 2020. She is secretary/treasurer for the Muskingum chapter of BNI, a local business networking group in Zanesville, OH.
Jenny is married, a mother to three children (and two cats she adores), and a grandmother to six. She’s been blessed to be able to take charge of her financial situation and change her life for the better.
Now, her passion is to challenge others to be proactive, take charge of their own finances, and help people get out of their own way when it comes to achieving financial wellness and serving their faith at the same time.
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