Kids & Money - Free Access


This course shares the seven guiding principles that will help you instill:

  • Positive Behavior Change
  • Patience vs. Instant Gratification
  • Money Education

Course includes:

  • 12 How-To Videos
  • PDF Workbook

*Access to program is for one year

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I understand that no kids were harmed in the making of this course but that some children (perhaps my own) when implementing this program may go through strange changes including;

  • They stop asking you to buy them things
  • No more tantrums in the grocery checkout line
  • General follow through on anything you ask them to do including listening the first time

While these changes are common, don't panic, it's only going to get better as you continue to work with your child.

Oh, and the legal stuff...

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The content within this site along with financial coaching is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered.  It is provided with the understanding that the publisher, Coach Connections, LLC and/or coach is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice.  If legal advice or other expert professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

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