Christ-Centered  Stewardship Training

Fast to Implement | Easy to Maintain


I help tired, overworked, and frustrated church leaders who want to help their congregation physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through financial stewardship.

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Hear my passion for Christ Centered Stewardship




- Testimonial by Pastor Jason

When we contacted Ron Povaleri , my husband, David and I were drowning in debt, living paycheck to paycheck with no money at the end of the month. I had trouble sleeping because of the debt, and how we were going to pay all the debts. I had a moment when my husband was in the hospital and he had to have emergency surgery and I couldn't be there, and it broke my heart that I had to work because of the debt. so we start tackling the debt. Fast forward to today we are 100% debt free, we now sleep better at night ,no more debt collectors calling, emergency fund of 4-6 months in the bank, a paid off home that's worth $140,000. When my husband has to have appointments, medical procedures done, I can take a day or even a week off of work to take him and take care of him while he recovers . And I am no longer worried about money issues. I can concentrate on my husband and his needs. We love being able to help a struggling family with food, leave a great tip for a waitress, and give to our local church. It's a great service to use when you don't know what to do about debt.

- David and Melissa Sullivan

The Truth Is ...

a holistic financial wellness program can be implemented seamlessly and easily.

Relieve financial fears in your congregation

Relieve Financial Fears


removing the stress of money will help your congregation build their relationship with God


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt 6:21

Empower Action


help your congregation move into thinking of legacy and kingdom impact


In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
Help your congregation think beyond themselves
Equip your congregation so they can give and serve freely

Strengthen Outreach


your church can have a transformational impact on the mission fields that you serve


Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Rom 12:13

Imagine if your people were inspired to follow the Biblical principles of finance without you having to do a thing.

Inspire your congregation to embrace biblical finance principles
empower your church members to be financially healthy

Imagine if you could incorporate an ongoing financial wellness program that would empower members.

Imagine if you could refer the crisis money situations to an expert, allowing you to move in your strengths in ministry.

have solid resources for crisis money situations

The Truth is . . .

your congregation wants to be generous givers and this program can help them know how

If you are concerned you have to cut mission work and limit the church budget to bare bones just to stay afloat

If you are concerned that the same people are always the ones giving

If you are concerned your congregation is spending money they don’t have to fill the hole in their hearts

If you are concerned about people fighting about the wrong things instead of focusing on God.

Provide Critical Intervention Now

I provide churches with a way to easily facilitate spiritual wholeness in their people that results in faithful stewardship, intentional living, a culture of generosity, and positive action for God's Kingdom.

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How Normal is Your Church?

The Christian Church has the same dismal financial statistics as the culture and country that it is surrounded by. But it is indeed possible to move from worldly-based thinking about money to thinking about money in a Godly way. 

A church-wide program helps the overall community of the church come together and make more progress than can ever be made by a member acting alone. Your church budget can grow without guilt by helping your church be able to communicate about money without guilt, shame, or fear.

Couples move from fighting and fear and freaking out about money to actually having regular conversations and being aligned with their money decisions.

Congregations move from wanting to give more to actually giving more as they learn how to apply God’s principles to their money and their life.

Pastors increasingly hear members tell them about breakthroughs and positive changes that happen in their lives rather than complaining about the problems they have.

As perspectives change from lack to abundance, participants become advocates and cheerleaders for each other  excited to  celebrate others achieving their milestones.

Your congregation will learn ...

What Really Matters

faith, relationships, their priorities, and the values that are behind their money decisions

Wise Decision Making

ensuring they are using their money in alignment with their values and priorities

Healthy Communication

learning to talk about money, hopes, dreams, fears, and finding creative solutions together

Financial Truths

understanding and embracing the Biblical principles for money that bring real results

Check Out This Super Informative Blog!


A holistic Financial Wellness program can help relieve church members’ financial stress and enable them to give more generously. And the best part is, this can be accomplished without adding a burden to the church leaders’ already packed schedule. 

If you’ve been looking to learn more about how a faith based financial wellness program can reduce the stress of church members, enable them to give more generously, help the community to grow and build financial literacy, make sure you check this blog out!

When you enroll in my Financial Wellness Program, you will get

  • A private consultation to customize the program for the needs of your church and your congregation
  • An online learning library of tools and videos to help your congregation align their money with their values and priorities
  • A choice of  programs that can be tailored to small groups, large groups, or individualized one-on-one coaching  (for multi-generation, adult, young adult, engaged, youth, kids, families, and more)
  • Assistance incorporating and aligning with other financial practitioners in your congregation, e.g. insurance, financial advisors, lawyers, counselors, etc.
  • Additional resources and tools for inviting your congregation in a way that works graphics, templates, registration, marketing, social media content, and surveys as needed
  • The ability to deliver the program online, offline, or in a hybrid format as desired or needed by your church
  • In some cases, recordings of live events (depending on technology and needs)
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Flexible Fees

The fees for your church wellness program will vary depending on what you are looking for, how many people you want to be served, and whether it is online or in-person. I am happy to talk numbers after I hear your situation.

Because my program is customized to your needs, the needs of members and the scope of the project, I provide a free, no-obligation discovery/exploratory process that results in a proposal so you'll know exactly what you are receiving and the financial investment involved.

Take care of your people with these included resources

  • A private 1:1 session with a financial coach for each participant wanting one
  • Email support from our experienced team for leaders and the program participants
  • Access to a library of online tools for every participant in the program so they can work through additional activities that apply to their situation
  • Access to specialists in many unique situations; e.g. loss of a spouse, student loans, single parents, financial crisis, etc.
  • Worksheets, handouts,  and resources can be provided as downloads or print on demand that can be branded for your church
  • A survey to gauge interest and needed areas of focus
  • Additional data collection throughout to gather feedback and report milestones
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Stewardship Coach in the Accountable Network



I am Ron Povaleri

Stewardship Coach

and I am here to help you!


I've felt your pain

congregations that fill out pledge cards and promise a budget that never arrives

congregations who are there to “consume” worship

congregations full of fear, anger, and shame about money and giving

congregations having no real understanding of their values, their priorities, and the reason they are here

congregations putting their security and identity into money and what money can do for them

congregations fighting over things that really don't matter

Christ-Centered Stewardship Training moves congregations past trying to fill a spiritual hole by living in a consumer-based mindset of consumerism to becoming unified in their money mindset and multiply their impact many times over.



While my program is customized to your congregation and leadership needs, it incorporates a combination of 1:1 coaching, group coaching, workshops, and online education & resources. 

These options allow me to serve the varied dynamics of a church's needs, and meet people where they are at. 

For instance, not everyone is ready for 1:1, but they may engage in an online course. 

Because my programs are ongoing, as participants grow, they will have access to advanced resources.

You can also access an international, trained network of over 150 coaches and professionals for specialized situations or to reach more people.

I am part of the Accountable Network

The Accountable Network, an industry leader since 2009, brings together the top coaches trained by Coach Connectionsā„¢ to collaborate and serve you.

You have the opportunity to benefit from this large team of the best financial coaches in the world which gives you an endless resource of knowledge and expertise to help you navigate anything your congregation can throw at you.

Using the proprietary tools and resources available through the Accountable Network will allow your congregation to move quickly past basic budget and debt reduction conversations to strategic biblical-based stewardship that results in sustainable and transformational growth.

Schedule a call with Ron to find out more.

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